My key keeper
Nasceu hoje! Sugestões para nome, alguém dá? :)
We are what we do every single day
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My 1st pin
Reciclar é viver e....conviver!
E que tal esta sugestão? Junta-te e participa no "Recycle Your Clothing" Swap organizado pela kissmyknitz, onde cada pessoa que participa recebe uma peça de roupa de outra pessoa e cada um terá um mês para transformar o artigo. Pode tingir, bordar, cortar, costurar ou adornar como quiser e até onde a imaginação nos levar. Depois de transformada a peça retorna ao seu dono e este recebe por correio o seu artigo também renovada. A ideia é boa ou não?!!? :) Eu já me inscrevi e esperam-se mais participantes até dia 21 deste mês! Vamos lá reciclar e conhecer gente nova do outro lado do mundo! Informa-te e increve-te AQUI!
To recycle is to live... TOGETHER!
How about this suggestion? Join and participate in the "Recycle Your Clothing" Swap organized by kissmyknitz, where each person who participates receives an item of clothes from another person and each one will have one month to transform the article. It can be dyed, to embroidered, cutted, sewed or decorated as you want and to where the imagination takes you. After transformed the item returns to its owner and this receives for post office its article also renewed. The ideia is good or not? :) I already enrolled myself and I expect more participant until 21st of this month! Come on recycle and know people new from the other side of the world! For any information and to be part of it read more in HERE!
My felt square
Esta é a minha contribuição para um projecto que está ainda em construção... até dia 31 deste mês, por isso apressem-se a participar.
Para mais informações cliquem aqui --> http://www.flickr.com/groups/felt_square_project/
This is my contirbution for a project that still under construction... until the 31st of this month, so participate soon!
For more any informations go here --> http://www.flickr.com/groups/felt_square_project/
Da BD para tecido e linha
A primeira do ano
Já em 2005?
Are we already in 2005? Seriously? Well, I didn't noticed. In the middle of a grippe that devastated me and the entire house, the thing that I saw from new year's eve was the sound of the fireworks outside.. But after all there is really much to celebrate? O.K., I remember that I finished the course this year, but nothing more happened that was worthy of celebration. The days go by so confused, so fast, although one hour lat so logng. The Sun tells me what time I have to take my pills. the butcher downstairs make so much noise, I can't stand it and the sound of the engines of cars says to me that there's hot bread in the bakery. From 2004 to 2005 nothing really changed...More deaths... more disaster... o.k., more solidarity. More solidarity. Today I do not have patience for my crafty stuff. Not today. Perhaps tomorrow. Now i'm sick...